Home Algeria Tours in Algiers

Free tours in Algiers

Offering you 8 tours in Algiers, Algeria

Offering you 8 results from 8 in Algiers, Algeria
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Discover Algiers with a free walking tour

Algiers, the capital of Algeria, offers a unique blend of Mediterranean charm and rich history. Known for its whitewashed buildings and vibrant culture, this coastal city is a fascinating destination to explore on foot.

Start your free walking tour from the historic Casbah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where narrow winding streets lead you through a maze of traditional houses and ancient mosques. Visit the Ketchava Mosque, an architectural gem that showcases Ottoman and Moorish influences.

The tour will take you to the impressive Martyrs' Monument, a towering structure that commemorates Algeria's struggle for independence. Walk along the bustling Didouche Mourad street, which is full of shops, cafes and French colonial architecture.

Nature lovers can enjoy the serene Jardin d'Essai du Hamma, a botanical garden that offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. The tour may also include a visit to the Bardo National Museum, which showcases Algeria's rich archaeological heritage.

Algiers offers a fascinating experience for every visitor. A free guided tour is the perfect way to explore this vibrant city and discover its unique blend of history, culture and natural beauty.

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