Free tours in Antwerp, Belgium
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Free tours in Antwerp

Offering you 7 tours in Antwerp, Belgium

Offering you 6 results from 7 in Antwerp, Belgium
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Discover the history of Antwerp

Antwerp has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages. It’s a port city on Belgium’s Scheldt Riverbank where the Hat Steen castle sits. Ride a bike through the centre to reach Cathedral of Our Lady, a gothic church still active in worship, and never completed with only one finished spire. Or check out Antwerp Central Station with a neo-Gothic façade listed as one of the most beautiful train stations.

Tour Paleis op de Meir is a grand palace and 18th century building, which housed Napolean Bonaparte and the Belgian Royal House, and then wander over to Ruben’s House, a museum inside the genuine home of prevalent 17th century painter Pieter Paul Ruben. Finally, Museum Plantin-Moretus, dedicated to printers Christophe Planitn and Jan Moretus, is a unique UNESCO World Heritage Centre celebrating the most influential print and publishing house of the 16th century.

The food and local beer are amazing in Antwerp with restaurants on the main streets, but the local favourites can be found a little off the beaten path. Bars and nightlife are popular and pop-up parties in changing locations are a unique way to experience them. On a sunny day, take your pick at the local flea markets to find the best bargains and reward yourself with some fries. Let local guides show you around their charming city with free walking tours at

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