Free tours in Brno, Czech Republic
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Free tours in Brno

Offering you 1 tours in Brno, Czech Republic

Offering you 1 results from 1 in Brno, Czech Republic
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9 Reviews in Brno

With much to see & do, you won’t be bored in BRNO

The capital of the Moravia region in the Czech Republic, Brno is not particularly overly-promoted as an ideal destination for a city break, but this makes it even more pleasantly surprising when one takes to its streets and sets about getting under the skin of this place.

Much like the Czech capital of Prague, Brno offers a tasteful mix of the ancient and the modern. This is reflected no more so than in local architecture which includes the medieval Špilberk Castle, the baroque altars of St. Peter & Paul’s Cathedral, as well as Unesco recognised & protected Villa Tugendhat – an area famed for its modernist buildings. Being a University city means Brno also offers a young atmosphere and vibrant nightlife and, of course, Brno doesn’t hamper the Czech reputation for delicious beer and is home to fantastic microbreweries and their delicious offerings.

The city is also home to wonderful museums, but joining a local professional guide for a recommended free walking tour in Brno is without doubt the best way to see the city from a local’s perspective and learn about the fascinating history & culture of the area. You can visit Petrov, the gardens and vaulted tunnels of the former prison in the castle grounds, Freedom square, the old city hall - which is protected by a dragon, the gypsy quarter, and learn about Jewish history, local art & textile heritage and former German occupation. An interesting city indeed, is Brno!

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