Free tours in Cologne, Germany
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Free tours in Cologne

Offering you 9 tours in Cologne, Germany

Offering you 9 results from 9 in Cologne, Germany
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Meet the media giant of Germany - Cologne

After a flourishing period during the Middle Ages, Cologne suffered one of the worst destructions in WWII and had to go under massive reconstruction. Today it stands as Germany’s largest metropolitan area and 4th largest city, spreading its massive size along the Rhine River. Cologne is a major cultural centre for the historical Rhineland and has a thriving media industry.

At a first glance Cologne will strike almost everyone as a modern city, although being historically the oldest large city in Germany. Dominated by the striking Gothic Cathedral, the old town city center offers many captivating sights and entertainment. A popular route among tourists is walking down the renowned Glockengasse street and Alter Markt along with sightseeing Cologne’s ancient Romanic churches. Being a true German city, the beer brewing tradition is strong in city where the legendary Biergarten welcomes everybody with open arms.

It’s said that Cologne makes every local homesick the second they leave it. Join knowledgeable local guides for an insightful free tour and find out what it is about the city that makes them feel this way. Gaze upon the city’s mixed medieval and modern architecture while you walk along the charming busy streets, ending a perfect day with a local delicacy and a cold Weissbier on the side, the German way.

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