Historical free walking tours in Maputo
Offering you 10 tours in Maputo, Mozambique
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Walking Tour
Discover the most exciting walking tour of Maputo! Join our tour of historic buildings from Portuguese colonization to independence. Explore modern life in Mozambique! Join now.
2h 30min
9:00 AM, 1:00 PM
Tip based
Info & Booking

Walking Tour
Embark on this free tour with us to find out about the earlier inhabitants of the city, learn about history, stunning architecture and hear myths and tales about it. Are you in Maputo for the very first time? Then this tour is for you!
2h 30min
9:00 AM, 1:00 PM
Tip based
Info & Booking
Maputo: Mafalala Community Walking Tour

Walking Tour
Discover the vibrant culture of Mafalala. Join our walking tour of this community to learn about its key figures and immerse yourself in the history of Mozambique. An enriching experience awaits you.
2h 30min
9:00 AM, 1:00 PM
From €40
Info & Booking
Eswatini Cultural Day Trip from Maputo

Day Trips
Join us for an unforgettable Eswatini Cultural Day Trip from Maputo! Discover the rich traditions and vibrant customs of the Swazi people. Immerse yourself in Africa’s culture and create lasting memories on this unique adventure!
10 hours
5:00 AM
From €250
Info & Booking