Free tours in Medellin, Colombia

Free tours near La Catedral

Offering you 109 tours in Medellin, Colombia

Offering you 3 results from 109 in Medellin, Colombia
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19,414 Reviews in Medellin

5 FAQs about free tours in Medellin

What landmarks and attractions are included in the free tour of Medellín?

Usually, each guide wants to reveal as much interesting information about their city as possible. In this case, you will see the downtown Botero Plaza, the Square of Lights, or Old Railway Station.

Do I need to arrive early, and what happens if I’m late?

Yes. It is best if you arrive 10-15 minutes before the tour starts. This way you can find your group on time and not fall behind if something happens.

Where is the meeting point for the tour?

Meeting points are always designated near the most famous central attractions of the city. This way you can open the tour description and find out all the detailed information about it there.

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