Home Spain Tours in Noia

Free tours in Noia

Offering you 2 tours in Noia, Spain

Offering you 2 results from 2 in Noia, Spain
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Noia: Discover traditions with free walking tours

Noia, a picturesque coastal town in Galicia, invites tourists to travel back in time and experience its rich cultural heritage. Known for its medieval architecture and maritime traditions, Noia offers a tranquil getaway off the beaten path.

Take a free walking tour of Noia to explore its historic landmarks, including the striking San Martiño Church and the quaint Plaza del Tapal. Stroll along Rua do Curro, where artisan workshops and local markets showcase Galicia's traditional crafts and cuisine.

Nature lovers can explore Noia's stunning coastline and nearby beaches, such as Testal Beach, perfect for relaxing by the sea. Whether you're drawn to Noia's historic charm, its gastronomic delights or its picturesque surroundings, free guided walking tours will ensure you have an unforgettable experience of this hidden gem of Galicia.

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