Free tours in Obidos, Portugal
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Offering you 1 tours in Obidos, Portugal

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Óbidos, Portugal: A Journey Through Time

Óbidos, Portugal is a fascinating destination where history and culture intertwine, and is nestled on a hilltop with its medieval charm. Surrounded by ancient walls, this picturesque town offers visitors the chance to step back in time as they stroll through narrow cobblestone streets, lined with whitewashed houses adorned with colorful bougainvillea.

One of the best ways to get to know Óbidos is through a free tour, which takes you on an informative journey through the town's rich history. From its origins as a Moorish settlement to its transformation into a royal gift to Portuguese queens, every corner of Óbidos tells a unique story. Óbidos Castle, with its imposing towers and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, is a must-see. The Church of Santa Maria and the charming Praça de Santa Maria add further charm to the town.

In addition to its historical monuments, Óbidos is famous for its Ginja de Óbidos, a cherry liqueur served in chocolate cups that visitors can enjoy in local cafes. The town also hosts the Óbidos Literary Festival and other cultural events, making it a hub for art and literature lovers.

Whether you explore Óbidos on your own or join a free tour, this charming town offers a unique insight into Portugal's medieval past and invites you to experience its timeless beauty firsthand.

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