Free tours in Silves, Portugal
Home Portugal Tours in Silves

Free tours in Silves

Offering you 1 tours in Silves, Portugal

Offering you 1 results from 1 in Silves, Portugal
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Discover Silves with a free walking tour

The historic town of Silves, in Portugal's Algarve region, is renowned for its Moorish past, medieval charm and picturesque river views. A free walking tour is a great way to explore its rich history and stunning landmarks.

Start at the impressive Silves Castle, a red brick fortress with panoramic views of the city. A free tour often includes the Sé de Silves, a majestic Gothic cathedral built on the site of a former mosque, and the charming Praça do Município, the heart of the old town.

Walk along the Arade River, visit the Misericórdia Church and explore the cobbled streets lined with traditional houses. A free guided tour is the perfect way to experience the historical and cultural beauty of Silves.

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