Free tours in St Petersburg, Russia
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Free tours in St Petersburg

Offering you 44 tours in St Petersburg, Russia

Offering you 25 results from 44 in St Petersburg, Russia
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St. Petersburg – Golden spires, glistening canals & gripping culture

The Port city founded by Peter the Great in 1730 is arguably Russia's cultural centre these days. A vibrant Metropolis with Imperialist aesthetic, St. Petersburg is a history & culture-lover's paradise. Among the canals & bridges is an open-air museum of classicism & beautiful baroque buildings, striking monuments, sculptures & statues, grand palaces, stunning cathedrals & exceptional museums & galleries housing Orthodox paintings & abstract artwork.

Despite a tumultuous history there is a progressive atmosphere here - bohemian creativity is enjoying a healthy music, art & culture scene while technological innovations are nurtured in what is perhaps the most 'European' of Russian cities. A recommended free walking tour is the ideal first step - joining a real St. Petersburg local is perfect for getting an authentic insight to life here while discovering dramatic history and key sights including the splendid Winter Palace, the breath-taking Palace Square & Alexander column, the magnificent Isaac's Cathedral, the Bronze Horseman and more.

And when you've had your fill of history & culture you can stroll in Pavlovsk park, sample delicious local cuisine or digest some Dostoevsky in a cool cafe and as the sun sets, or indeed doesn't during the famous white nights of Summer, enjoy the fantastic social scene & party atmosphere which takes hold of this beautiful city.

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