Free tours in Strasbourg, France
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Free tours in Strasbourg

Offering you 12 tours in Strasbourg, France

Offering you 9 results from 12 in Strasbourg, France
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5,666 Reviews in Strasbourg

Strasbourg, delightful cross-roads with character in every direction.

Strasbourg, in France’s north-east, is an idyllic mix of old and new, colour & contrast, and cultural influences from both Germany and France, owing to its proximity to the German border. Home to the European Parliament, Strasbourg is a wonderful city to explore on two feet with a knowledgeable local tour guide on a recommended free walking tour.

There’s a charming quirkiness to Strasbourg, it’s quaint and pretty for the most part and, with a sizeable student population, is energetic and upbeat in atmosphere. The architecture and surroundings are striking in their own ways, the Gothic Cathedral Notre-Dame is a beautiful example of such and, as well as providing a daily show from its Astronomical Clock, offers incredible views from its spire overlooking the Old Town’s winding streets and alleyways, dotted with old half-timber houses the likes of which you remember drawn in fairy-tale story books, and down onto the impressive Rhine River.

Mix this with a vast and quite remarkable, often dark, history, vibrant culture, modern buzz and many, many things to see and do, you’ll quickly realise just how great Strasbourg is for a city adventure. Your free tour guide will be delighted to give you insider tips and help you to experience authentic local culture and get the best from your time in this most enjoyable of cities, Strasbourg.

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