Free tours near Grandmaster Palace Courtyard
Offering you 16 tours in Valletta, Malta
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Walking Tour
Our Valletta free walking tour is the perfect introduction to the city, as our guides will help you orientate yourself and point out all the main landmarks.
1h 30min
10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
Tip based
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Walking Tour
We will spend 3 hours walking around the streets of Valletta with a local tour-guide explaining the left-hand Maltese story in a fun and interesting way.
3 hours
10:00 AM, 10:30 AM
+1 More
From €22
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Walking Tour
Explore the history of beautiful Valletta, admire its architecture, and go through less-discovered streets. Get some hints on how to enjoy the city and helpful tips from our guides.
2h 30min
10:00 AM, 2:00 PM
From €20
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